Freehold Borough Deserves
a Prosperous Future…
Help Us Lead Freehold Forward To A Better, Brighter, and More Prosperous Community
Our 2024 Freehold Borough Council Candidates

Ricky Gartz
Borough Council Candidate

Autumn Nonnenmacher
Borough Council Candidate
Fiscal Responsibility, Transparency, & Responsible Redevelopment:
A Fresh Approach to Governance in Freehold Borough
As we look forward to the upcoming 2024 elections in Freehold Borough, it is important to focus on the issues that deeply impact our community. In recent years, we’ve witnessed our town’s debt skyrocket, decisions made behind closed doors, and a misguided redevelopment project that threatens our borough’s financial stability. Our Republican committee candidates offer a refreshing alternative: an experienced team with a proven track record in fiscal responsibility, a commitment to transparency and citizen involvement, and a pragmatic approach to redevelopment that ensures maximum benefit without burdening our taxpayers.
Let’s explore these pillars of our campaign in more detail:
Fiscal Responsibility and Debt Management:
Under the current administration, our town’s debt has escalated from $7 million to an astounding $22 million. As a community, we cannot sustain this irresponsible and reckless financial management. Our mayoral candidate, with his solid background as a former Chief Financial Officer of the Freehold Borough, has the expertise and the commitment to bring our town’s finances under control. He understands the need for strict financial discipline and prudential management of our community’s resources. With him at the helm, we will work tirelessly to reduce this massive debt burden, ensuring a financially stable and prosperous future for our town.
Transparency and Civic Engagement:
Every citizen of Freehold Borough deserves to be informed and involved in the decisions that shape our town. We believe in transparent governance, where decisions are not made behind closed doors but with the active participation of the people. We pledge to uphold honesty, openness, and accountability in our dealings, creating a government that listens and responds to its citizens. This is your town, and you should have a say in its future.
Responsible Redevelopment:
We recognize and appreciate the need for redevelopment in our town. However, it must be managed responsibly, without imposing unnecessary financial burden on our taxpayers. The current administration’s mismanagement is risking our town’s prosperity and the financial health of our citizens. We pledge to make judicious decisions that will bring maximum benefits from this redevelopment project. We are committed to driving growth and improvement in our town, but not at the cost of financial imprudence. With us, rest assured that your tax dollars will be spent wisely.